My ladies who grew up with peaches and cream barbie: you need this.

You know that feeling when every time you go to the Doctor’s office, you fumble your words and what you’re trying to say so when you leave you don’t really feel like you’ve gotten any closer to helping yourself at all?!

I Do 🙋‍♀️

That was a rhetorical question. We all know it’s yes.

I used to obsess over what I was feeling, where I was feeling it and just how I could convey the most miserable of my symptoms to my Doc in the 11 minutes they had to see me in the hopes of future relief.

→ I had no clue just how little knowledge they had of the complexity of women’s hormones & gut health in general

→ I wasted so much time, energy and money on supplements and diets that I thought would help

→ I even tried doing keto for 3 months before I realized it was harming my thyroid health more than it was helping

Can you FEEL the desperation?

I wish I knew this 20 years earlier, so this is me SHOUTING IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS, IF ONLY I’D KNOWN THIS👇🏻 . If I could go back in time, here’s what I’d tell past-me:

The problem WASN’T expecting support from my Doctor.

I’d just been skipping the most crucial part of the process: creating a baseline of my hormones when I was in my 20’s so that I could have a map of ideal ranges to measure ME against ME as I age.

To all the fellow 80’s babies who have no idea what that looks like…it took longer than I’d like to admit…we’re talking years to figure it out. I know. Oof.

Too often, women in their mid thirties think that weight gain out of nowhere, not sleeping through the night and having brutal PMS is “normal”.
When, really, you just have to understand where you are in your hormonal journey (fertile, perimenopause, menopause, post-menopause)

I’m not saying it’s gonna solve every health problem you have.

But when I tell you doing a comprehensive hormone test can have a big impact, I mean it.

Trust me: once you start working with me, you’ll never be victim to your hormonal symptoms again.

You can raise your hands in the air like you just don’t caaaaare. I won’t judge.

Barbie wants her 80’s babes to enter peri/menopause with ease, knowledge, support and a plan.


💊 Essential Supplements Every woman needs to know about


The Grand Initiation: Inspired Living Nutrition x Bellyfit Collab