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Hormones, Gut Health Cordelia McFadyen Hormones, Gut Health Cordelia McFadyen

How to Beat Fatigue Naturally

Are you tired of feeling tired? Do you long for a natural and effective way to boost your energy levels and say goodbye to fatigue? Look no further! In our latest blog, we'll reveal the secrets to beating fatigue and revitalizing your body and mind. Don't miss out on these valuable tips and tricks! Learn more and get ready to embrace a life full of boundless energy and vitality.

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Hormones, Gut Health Cordelia McFadyen Hormones, Gut Health Cordelia McFadyen

Why Am I Always Hungry?

The perpetual feeling of hunger can stem from various factors beyond mere physical need for sustenance. While physical hunger arises from genuine physiological cues such as an empty stomach or low blood sugar, psychological or emotional hunger may manifest as cravings triggered by boredom, stress, or certain dietary habits. Distinguishing between these two types of hunger is crucial for making mindful eating choices. By following a few simple steps—including pausing to evaluate, hydrating, and assessing the source of hunger—one can gain insight into whether the body truly requires nourishment or if other emotional needs are at play. Ultimately, adopting a balanced approach to eating, focusing on nutrient-dense foods, and addressing emotional triggers can help cultivate a healthier relationship with food and alleviate constant feelings of hunger.

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Hormones, Gut Health Cordelia McFadyen Hormones, Gut Health Cordelia McFadyen

💊 Essential Supplements Every woman needs to know about

As women, our bodies undergo unique physiological changes throughout life, from puberty to pregnancy, and beyond into menopause. These changes create specific nutritional needs that may not be adequately met through diet alone. Specialized supplementation tailored to women's health can address these unique requirements, supporting hormonal balance, bone strength, heart health, and overall vitality. By investing in targeted supplements designed for women, we empower ourselves to thrive in every aspect of our lives, ensuring we have the essential support needed to flourish at every stage of our journey.

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Recipes, Hormones Cordelia McFadyen Recipes, Hormones Cordelia McFadyen

Three Must Eat Breakfast Foods

Do you need inspiration for healthy breakfast ideas? Getting some protein at each meal can help with blood sugar management, metabolism and weight loss. This is because protein helps you feel fuller longer and uses up a bunch of calories to absorb and metabolize it. I'm going to show you how to get the protein, as well as some veggies and healthy fats for your soon-to-be favourite new “go-to” breakfasts.

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Weight Loss, Hormones Cordelia McFadyen Weight Loss, Hormones Cordelia McFadyen

Why Your Waist Circumference Matters 100x More Than What You Weigh

You totally want to ditch your scale, don't you? You may have this weird kind of relationship with your “weight”. I mean, it doesn't define you (obviously). What you weigh can matter but only to a certain extent. Dive in with me as we learn where your fat is stored is more important than how much you weigh, as well as some tips for reducing belly fat if you are more ‘apple-shaped’ than ‘pear-shaped’.

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Hormones Cordelia McFadyen Hormones Cordelia McFadyen

Goitrogens – Thyroid Blockers or Harmless?

Hormone health is all the rage these days. You may have heard about eating to balance your hunger hormones, reproductive hormones, and blood sugar hormones. But what about your thyroid hormones? The thyroid is responsible for producing the hormones T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine), which play a big role in regulating your metabolism. Learn more about hypothyroidism and how to maintain a healthy thyroid with nutrition by reading here.

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Hormones, Stress Support Cordelia McFadyen Hormones, Stress Support Cordelia McFadyen

Adrenal Fatigue: What Is It?

Stressed? Tired? Craving sugar? Can’t sleep? All of these can be related to the constant stress we feel in our lives. We know that stress can have a huge impact on our health and wellness. And, since your adrenal glands produce stress hormones, adrenal fatigue is a popular theme lately. But what would happen if you felt constant stress all day? Read more to find out the symptoms of adrenal fatigue and what to do if you have the common symptoms.

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Stress Support, Hormones Cordelia McFadyen Stress Support, Hormones Cordelia McFadyen

How Do I Keep My Blood Sugar Stable?

Oh, the words ‘blood sugar’. Does it conjure up visions of restrictive eating, diabetes medications, or insulin injections? Blood sugar is the measure of the amount of sugar in your blood. You need the right balance of sugar in your blood to fuel your brain and muscles. The thing is, it can fluctuate. A lot. Discover what foods you can eat as well as lifestyle tips to help keep your blood sugar levels stable.

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Weight Loss, Hormones Cordelia McFadyen Weight Loss, Hormones Cordelia McFadyen

Why is My Metabolism Slow?

Do you feel tired, cold or that you've gained weight. Maybe your digestion seems a bit more “sluggish”. You may be convinced that your metabolism is slow. Why does this happen? Keep reading to find out examples of common reasons why metabolic rates can slow down. I promise to give you better advice than just to “eat less and exercise more”.

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Weight Loss, Hormones Cordelia McFadyen Weight Loss, Hormones Cordelia McFadyen

What is Metabolism?

The word “metabolism” is thrown around a lot these days. You know that if yours is too slow you might gain weight. But what exactly does this all mean? Keep reading to discover what metabolism is, what your metabolic rate is, and what affects your metabolic rate. You won’t want to miss out on this one!

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Stress Support, Hormones Cordelia McFadyen Stress Support, Hormones Cordelia McFadyen

The Stress Mess: How It Messes With Your Health

We all have some level of stress, right? It's the chronic stress that's a problem. You see, your body has specific stress reactions. If these stress reactions are triggered every day or many times a day that can mess with your health. Stress (and stress hormones) can have a huge impact on your health. Keep reading to discover the "stress mess" and some stress-busting tips to help you break that cycle!

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Stress Support, Hormones Cordelia McFadyen Stress Support, Hormones Cordelia McFadyen

How to Naturally Lower the Stress Hormone, Cortisol

Stress!! Its causes are absolutely everywhere! Our natural “fight or flight” stress response can sometimes go a little overboard. These days it becomes a long-term chronic reaction. Did you know that too-high levels of cortisol are associated with belly fat, poor sleep, brain fog, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and even lowers your immunity? If you experience any of these symptoms, read on! I have a list of foods, nutrients and lifestyle recommendations to help you lower this stress hormone naturally!

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Hormones, Stress Support Cordelia McFadyen Hormones, Stress Support Cordelia McFadyen

10 Signs You May Have a Hormone Imbalance

Hormones are like chemical messengers and govern nearly every cellular action in our body. Stress hormones are critical to our survival because they synthesize proteins, maintain cellular electrolyte balance, regulate heartbeat and blood pressure, and transport glucose into our cells - essentially feeding our brain. Keep reading for common signs of a hormonal balance, the main causes of hormonal balances and simple ways to support and rebalance your hormones naturally.

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Hormones, Stress Support Cordelia McFadyen Hormones, Stress Support Cordelia McFadyen

Your Thyroid: Foods and Nutrients to Help

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in your neck that releases hormones. Thyroid hormones help your body regulate a few things - not a big deal - just the metabolism of ALL cells. And this is critical for maintaining healthy body weight and having the energy to live your life. Keep reading to discover how the thyroid can become under-active and foods to eat to support a healthy thyroid.

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Gut Health, Hormones Cordelia McFadyen Gut Health, Hormones Cordelia McFadyen

How to Improve Gut Health

Our gut is the portal to the outside world. The nutrients we ingest and absorb are the building blocks of every single part of our body. It’s important to first understand the roles that our gut and our gut microbes play in our over health to understand how to improve their function. Keep reading to discover these roles as well as tips to improve your gut health naturally.

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