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Everything You Need to Know About Omega-3 Fats
Are you swept up in the whirlwind of chatter about healthy fats and omega fats, wondering what they really are and how they affect your body? Do you ever find yourself pondering over the right foods to consume to meet your Essential Fatty Acid needs? If you've found yourself lost in this nutritional maze, we've got the answers to all your questions, and more! Dive in to unravel the mysteries of these dietary essentials!
Which Foods Can Help With Blood Pressure?
High blood pressure, a silent threat that affects millions worldwide, can have devastating consequences if left unchecked. But what if I told you there are simple, natural ways to keep it in check? Imagine a plant-based diet packed with nutrients, a surprising tea that rivals medication, and lifestyle changes that can make a world of difference. Curious? Keep reading as we uncover these secrets to managing high blood pressure and reclaiming your health.
Reduce inflammation with these key foods
🔥 All about internal inflammation and which foods help help keep you feeling healthy.
Adrenal Fatigue: What Is It?
Stressed? Tired? Craving sugar? Can’t sleep? All of these can be related to the constant stress we feel in our lives. We know that stress can have a huge impact on our health and wellness. And, since your adrenal glands produce stress hormones, adrenal fatigue is a popular theme lately. But what would happen if you felt constant stress all day? Read more to find out the symptoms of adrenal fatigue and what to do if you have the common symptoms.
How Do I Know if I Have a Leaky Gut?
The term “leaky gut” is thrown around a lot these days. It’s been blamed for many symptoms like allergies, intolerances, joint pain, skin issues, digestive disorders and neurological symptoms. But what exactly is leaky gut? What causes it? What kinds of issues are related to it? And most of all, what can you eat for leaky gut? Open up to discover all the details as well as my favourite slow-cooked chicken broth recipe for the ultimate gut soothing remedy.
How Do I Keep My Blood Sugar Stable?
Oh, the words ‘blood sugar’. Does it conjure up visions of restrictive eating, diabetes medications, or insulin injections? Blood sugar is the measure of the amount of sugar in your blood. You need the right balance of sugar in your blood to fuel your brain and muscles. The thing is, it can fluctuate. A lot. Discover what foods you can eat as well as lifestyle tips to help keep your blood sugar levels stable.
Need A Mood Boost? Eat This!
No question that what you eat can affect how you feel, right? Mental health and brain health are complex. So are the foods we eat, and the ways our bodies interact with those foods. While, we don't know the exact mechanisms of how food and nutrition help, we know a few ways food impacts our moods. Read more about mood-boosting and mood-busting foods here!
Mindfulness and Meditation - Do They Really Work?
Well...yes, they do really work! Science shows definite health benefits for people who use mindfulness and meditation. “Meditation” is the ancient practice of connecting the body and mind to become more self-aware and present. It’s often used to calm the mind, ease stress, and relax the body. Mindfulness is defined as “paying attention in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally.” Mindfulness meditation is well studied in terms of its health benefits. Read more to find out how!
The Stress Mess: How It Messes With Your Health
We all have some level of stress, right? It's the chronic stress that's a problem. You see, your body has specific stress reactions. If these stress reactions are triggered every day or many times a day that can mess with your health. Stress (and stress hormones) can have a huge impact on your health. Keep reading to discover the "stress mess" and some stress-busting tips to help you break that cycle!
How to Naturally Lower the Stress Hormone, Cortisol
Stress!! Its causes are absolutely everywhere! Our natural “fight or flight” stress response can sometimes go a little overboard. These days it becomes a long-term chronic reaction. Did you know that too-high levels of cortisol are associated with belly fat, poor sleep, brain fog, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and even lowers your immunity? If you experience any of these symptoms, read on! I have a list of foods, nutrients and lifestyle recommendations to help you lower this stress hormone naturally!
10 Signs You May Have a Hormone Imbalance
Hormones are like chemical messengers and govern nearly every cellular action in our body. Stress hormones are critical to our survival because they synthesize proteins, maintain cellular electrolyte balance, regulate heartbeat and blood pressure, and transport glucose into our cells - essentially feeding our brain. Keep reading for common signs of a hormonal balance, the main causes of hormonal balances and simple ways to support and rebalance your hormones naturally.
Your Thyroid: Foods and Nutrients to Help
The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in your neck that releases hormones. Thyroid hormones help your body regulate a few things - not a big deal - just the metabolism of ALL cells. And this is critical for maintaining healthy body weight and having the energy to live your life. Keep reading to discover how the thyroid can become under-active and foods to eat to support a healthy thyroid.